The Quaker State 400 is a NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race which will occur at Kentucky Speedway in Sparta, Kentucky, United States in 2011. The distance of the race is planned to be 400.5 miles (644.542 km)

The creation of the event followed a lawsuit between Kentucky Speedway and NASCAR claiming that they violated federal antitrust laws in 2005. In 2008, the owners sold the speedway to Bruton Smith, hoping that the track could hold a race by 2011. After four years, the former Kentucky Speedway owners dropped the lawsuit.[1] On August 10, 2010, it was announced that the track would receive a NASCAR Sprint Cup Series event, which is scheduled to be held on July 9, 2011. Seven months later, the inaugural race received sponsorhip from Royal Dutch Shell's Quaker State brand motor oil. The distance of the race is expected to be 400 miles, a total of 267 laps around Kentucky Speedway.


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